Pharmacy Technician Program

Program Overview

The Pharmacy Technician program is designed to provide students with the necessary knowledge and skills to assume the role of a pharmacy technician. This is a dynamic, hands-on program that combines classroom instruction with practical experience in classroom lab and real-world externships.


Job Summary

Pharmacy technicians are important members of the pharmacy team who work under the supervision of a licensed pharmacist. Their primary responsibilities typically include the following:

  • Prescription Management
  • Medication Dispensing
  • Customer Service
  • Administrative Duties
  • Support for Pharmacists
Price : $12,900.00

Time to Complete:

36 Weeks Evening 780 hours

Semester Units:



6 Levels; (540 hours)


240 Hours



Start Dates/Class times:

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Program Details

Job Summary

This program is designed to prepare students for entry-level pharmacy technician positions for both institutional and community pharmacy settings. A pharmacy technician, under the supervision of pharmacists, assists in the day-to-day operations to prepare and provide medications to patients and with related tasks in managing pharmacy clinical and business operations. Graduates are eligible for licensing by the California State Board of Pharmacy upon graduation and for national certification by the National Healthcareer Association (NHA).

Program Description

The Pharmacy Technician program is designed based on a well-balanced integration of theory and practical instruction in the fundamentals of pharmacy operations. The program consists of six course levels of classroom theory and laboratory instruction totaling 540 hours and externship consisting of 240 hours for a total of 780 hours.

The instruction is designed following a framework of theory and practical skills to meet eligibility requirements for licensing upon graduation. The design of the program allows students to start at the beginning of level I through VI and complete all levels to be eligible for placement on an externship rotation. Graduates receive a certificate upon successful completion of all graduation requirements.


In order to graduate from the Pharmacy Technician Program,
students must meet the below requirements:

  • High school diploma or equivalent educational diploma (e.g., a GED or foreign diploma)
  • Complete all levels (780 Hours)
  • Satisfactory attendance
  • Satisfactory academics
  • No financial obligations to school

Students Must Complete:

Course Levels
Clock Hours
Semester Units
Level I: Pharmacy, Law , Ethics and Regulatory Agencies, Associations, Settings for Technicians Communication and Role of the Technician with Customer
Level II: Pharmacy Dispensing Processing & Pharmacy Calculations
Level III: Pharmacy Practices ; community and Institutional practice , Advance Roles, Non- Sterile compounding, Aseptic Techniques and Sterile Compounding, Pharmacy Billing & Inventory Management
Level IV: Medical Safety and Error Prevention, Pharmacy Operations , Drug Classifications, Therapeutic Agents
Level V: Therapeutic Agents, Anatomy, Functions and Conditions for Cardiovascular , Respiratory, Gastrointestinal, Renal and Reproductive Systems, Commonly Prescribed Interventions
Level VI: Therapeutic Agents, Anatomy , Functions and Conditions for Immune System, eyes, ears , nose, and throat , Dermatological and Hematological systems, Over the Counter Medication
Level VII: Externship

Career Outcome & More Information

Pharmacy Technician in California

  1. The data below shows the job market for Pharmacy Technician for the State of California.
  2. CNEI cannot guarantee employment, salary levels, or career advancement.

1. Salary Range

$29,640 - $50,640

2020 median pay from BLS
2. Job Outlook

5% Increase

Average Growth Rate from 2019 – 2029
  1. Salary ranges reflect the 25th and 75th percentile for the occupation in California, as reported by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). The salary ranges are not specific to students or graduates of CNEI. Actual outcomes vary based on multiple factors, including prior work experience, geographic location, and other factors specific to the individual. CNEI does not guarantee employment, salary level, or career advancement.
  2. Job Outlook:

Learn More About Pharmacy Technicians

Financial Aid is Available For This Program.

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